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Faculty of Fundamental Science was established under the Decision No.80/QD-DHXD, officially delivered on March 19th, 2012 by the Rector of Mien Tay Construction University.

The Faculty of Fundamental Science is responsible for managing and teaching several fundamental subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Education – National Defense Education.

The current organizational structure of the Faculty consists of 01 Dean, 01 Deputy-Dean and 03 Heads of Departments: Department of Mathematics - Informatics; Department of Physics - Chemistry and Department of Physical Education – National Defense Education.

The teaching staff of the Faculty currently consists of 16 faculty members with seniority and experience in teaching, including 01 Doctor of Science, 02 Postgraduates and 13 Masters of Science.

 History  Academic Affairs Department  Freshmnan  University degree (full time)
 Programmes  Science management and International Affairs   Scholarships  Inter - training 
 Outcome-Based Education  Student Political Affairs Department  Youth Union & Student Association  Post-graduate education
 Degree checking  Testing and Quality Assurance Department  Credit system portal  Construction major
 MTU Journal of Science and Education  Administration Department  Album  Professional Construction Fostering
 Finance and Accounting Department  Job Information  
   Eqiupment Administration Department  MTU's Song  
   Civil Engineering Faculty  MTU's Logo  ADMISSION 2019
   Architecture Faculty    Undergraduate programs
   Urban Infrastructure Faculty    Admissible procedure
   Political Theoretic Faculty    Gifted competitions
   Economics Faculty    Register for admission
   Fundamental Science Faculty    Look up results
   Professional and Regular training Center     
   Center of Foreign Languages and Informatics    Support:
   Construction Consultancy Center    Hotline: +84-270-3 825 903
   Environment and Construction Experimental Center    Email: tuyensinh@mtu.edu.vn
   Learning resources and Information Center    

Copyright  © 2013 Mien Tay Construction University - 20B Pho Co Dieu Street, Ward 3, Vinh Long City, Vinh Long Province
Tel: +84-270-3 823 657 - Fax: +84-270-3 827 457
Email: banbientap@mtu.edu.vn