I. Director
Be in charge of general work and running the Center and directly manage the following specific work:
1. Set up plan, manage, observe, evaluate the assigned responsibilities of the Center such as: training programs of foreign languages and informatics courses at all levels; English courses for specific purposes; cooperating courses outside the school; recruitment to develop the training scale.
2. Develop and issue course programs and materials to meet the learners’ needs.
3. Manage the staff of the Center according to the school regulations.
4. Implement other duties assigned by the Rector.
II. Deputy Director
Be in charge of work that assigned by the Director and directly manage the following specific work:
1. Make plans for certain courses; manage the teaching task of lecturers; monitor the settlement bill with cooperators and help disburse the approved estimates of the Center.
2. Confirm and duplicate certificates.
3. Monitor the statistics of the equipped assets of the Center; estimate regular stationery according to the school regulations.
4. Plan and organize the conferences and workshops.
5. Implement other duties assigned by the Director.